Anna Maria Island

The predicted weather was to be strong winds and severe thunderstorms so we left our anchorage at Long Boat Key to hunker down at Gilati Marina on Anna Maria.


The first thing I noticed was that there was not one sailboat among the fifty to seventy beautiful, big, fishing boats.  The second thing I noticed was the jungle type loud noises directly behind our boat.  It was nuts.  It sounded like five hundred pound pissed off bull frogs quarreling, monkeys choking on gob stoppers and herniated hippos with hick ups.  I was wrong, it was what another boater referred to as Bird Island.  I’ve never heard such odd and forceful sounds.  I couldn’t concentrate on the usual tuck in the boat thing.  I just stood in awe.  There were many varieties of birds making as much unique noise as they possibly could.



We buttoned up the boat and took a long walk to see the quaint, touristy town.  Our friends Mark and Tonya were here a few weeks ago and we were hoping to hook up with them on the island but we move to slow.  I blew out a flip flop.  I did not step on a pop top.  But I did almost drop.  I wondered why I was tripping so much after 2 glasses of wine.  We took a long walk on a short pier, or a short walk on a long pier.



It did rain a bit.  The wind definitely blew a bunch.  And, oh, did it get cold.  How cold was it,  you ask?  It was soooo cold that I awoke sleeping next to a dark haired stranger!  I thought, Oh my!  I was doing a quick inventory of the night before when the stranger bellowed out a gale gust of a snore that was very familiar sounding and I realized that it was just my blurry vision and John in a winter hat.  I can’t tell you if I was relieved or disappointed.  Did you know that John doesn’t read my posts?  While I write he may be whipping a line (making up the end of a rope with fine line and special paste that looks like flan.  This prevents lines from fraying), taking a nap, doing emails or caressing his diesel engine and begging her for forgiveness for his wife pounding sand up her ass.  Ah, but I get ahead of myself and that is a story of another day.

We learned that sailboats rarely cruise to Anna Maria.  It was a knuckle biter, a white nailer, getting there.  Mind you, we are more naive than gutsy.  What do you think of our neighbor’s boat’s name?  I didn’t get it at first.  Just say it out loud real fast several times if you are stuck.


You knew I wasn’t done with the birds.   There was a lot of nest building and sitting upon and bird parties going on so that there would be more nest building and sitting upon.   Some of the nests were surprisingly small, just the size of the bird’s rear end and they look like baskets.  Some were surprisingly flat and not sturdy looking.  I am going to leave the bird pictures big rather than in a grouping for my friend Sabra.  Sabra owns and runs the non-profit Avalon Parrots.  This is where I adopted my African Grey, Flower, 15 years ago (she is now 23 years old) and where Flower is boarding now.  Sabra has helped countless abandoned birds find new homes and rescued many from horrible situations.  She is a giving and devoted advocate.  Here is a link to her blog and rescue.  No amount of donation is too small or unappreciated if you feel so moved.

















2 thoughts on “Anna Maria Island

  1. Hey guys. Looks like you are having a great time, minus the mascerator issue. That’s the shits. That’s either the Rod &Reel or the City Pier John is standing on. So many places to see along the coast! Happy sailing… And, nice tans!


    1. You’re right! That was the city pier. What a beautiful place Anna Marie is. I wish we could have met up with you there. We ate at Harry’s. We walked a ton and I wondered if we walked by the house you rented. Hope you brought a little extra sunshine home with you. Hugz!


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